How to become a
home inspector in Oklahoma
Last Updated: March 4, 2024
Your new journey to become a home inspector in Oklahoma can be confusing and exciting at the same time. One confusing aspect can be the Oklahoma home inspector requirements: what are you required to do? Do you need to complete training? Where can you find more information? Don’t stress–we’ve done the research so you don’t have to. Consider it as our vote of confidence in this new endeavor!

What are the Oklahoma Home Inspector Requirements?
The Oklahoma home inspector license requirements are regulated by the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board. These requirements will ensure that you have the basic training, protection, and qualifications to perform inspections in Oklahoma. Before applying, complete the following list:
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- Have a high school diploma, a GED, or the equivalent.
- Complete 90 hours of approved home inspector training courses.
- Complete a state-approved exam.
- Provide proof of general liability insurance with minimum limits of $50,000 / $50,000.
Once you have everything ready, submit your application, along with the $280 fee, and you’ll be on your way to inspecting! But, first, let’s break down the major requirements below.
Complete an Oklahoma-approved home inspector course.
The Oklahoma home inspector requirements state that you must successfully complete a 90-hour home inspection course. The course will cover the systems you will inspect, reporting practices, as well as lessons on how to run your inspection business. You can find a list of approved course providers here.
With this course, take it as an opportunity to begin your journey to become a home inspector in Oklahoma on the right foot. Aside from teaching you the necessary basics, these courses can help you network with other inspectors, meet experienced mentors, and ask any questions about marketing, inspecting, business setup, report writing, or any other necessary skill.
Pass the state exam.
Once you have completed your coursework, the next step to fulfilling the Oklahoma home inspector requirements is to take the state exam, proctored by PSI.
To prepare for this exam, review the materials from your home inspector course, and also consider using study materials from the exam providers themselves. Also, ask other inspectors in your state about what parts of the exam they wish they had studied for more thoroughly. Doing all of this will keep you on track for passing the exam with flying colors!
Obtain Insurance.
To fulfill the Oklahoma home inspector insurance requirements, you must carry general liability insurance in at least these insurance limits:
General Liability / Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
Limits of $50,000 (per occurrence)/ $50,000 (aggregate) or more.
General liability covers any property damage or bodily injury to others caused by your inspection. For example, whether you leave a running faucet on and cause water damage, or someone hurts themselves after following you up your ladder (for future reference, we do not recommend this), you will be covered with general liability.
Insurance limits represent the total dollar amount your insurance company can pay toward your covered claims in a given policy period. You have two limits: your occurrence limit, which is the maximum amount the insurance company will pay per claim, and your aggregate limit, which is the maximum amount the insurance company will pay during the policy period (typically one year). Most insurance limit options start at $100,000 / $100,000 on the low end, so it will be easy to meet the Oklahoma home inspector requirements for insurance.
Most inspectors choose to pair general liability insurance with errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, which protects you when your clients accuse you of missing something during their inspection—or, at the very least, leaving it out of your report. E&O insurance is the most often used, as it can protect you during lawsuits. However, you are only required to carry general liability in Oklahoma, so choose the option that is right for your business’ protection.
Once you successfully bind (purchase) your coverage, you can request a proof of insurance from your insurance provider or broker, which you will submit along with your application.
Congratulations from InspectorPro
We know you can become a successful and excellent home inspector in Oklahoma! You have taken a huge step toward fulfilling your new dream. We hope that this list of Oklahoma home inspector requirements has been helpful for you. Reach out if you have questions, need help, or want to protect your business with the best coverage available. We at InspectorPro are always looking to serve you.