How to become a
home inspector in Alaska
Last Updated: August 28, 2023
Alaskans, your state houses some of the country’s most fascinating natural phenomena: 17 of the tallest mountains in North America, more than 100 volcanoes, and three million lakes, one article sites. With a state as unique as yours, it makes sense that your home inspection industry will have unique expectations, too. We’re compiling Alaska’s home inspector requirements for both licensing and insurance.

Alaska’s Home Inspector License Requirements
Are you looking to become a licensed home inspector in Alaska? If so, then there are a few steps you’ll need to take.
First, you must pass a state home inspection exam related to the types of inspections you want to perform. Alaska does not have pre-licensing education requirements. Still, many inspectors complete educational courses to prepare for their exams. The National Home Inspector Exam (NHIE) and the International Code Council (ICC) both offer them, and the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) provides a practice exam.
Once you’ve passed, make sure you meet Alaska’s home inspector requirements for education and experience. Next, you’ll have one year to submit your application to the state. The Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing offers the home inspector application and related details through the Alaska State Licensing Board. Expect to pay fees, application and otherwise.
Alaska does not require background checks or fingerprinting for new home inspectors. However, the following will disqualify you:
- Conviction of a crime within seven years of applying
- Had home inspection authority revoked, either in your state or another jurisdiction
- Had an unresolved criminal complaint or disciplinary action in the state against you
Alaska Home Inspector Insurance Requirements
General Liability
The state of Alaska also requires licensed home inspectors to carry general liability (GL) insurance. Unlike errors and omission (E&O) insurance, GL protects you if your work causes damage to the inspection property or bodily injury to a realtor, client, seller, and etc. Submit proof in the form of a Certificate of Insurance for at least:
- $20,000 for property damage
- $50,000 for injury or death to one person
- $100,000 injury or death to more than one person
Although professional liability insurance in Alaska is not a necessity, carrying E&O and GL coverage offers the full spectrum of claims protection. E&O protects you when your clients accuse you of missing something during an inspection—or, at the very least, leaving something out of your report. In other words, you’re protected when clients accuse you of not doing your job right. Read our comparative article to learn more about E&O and GL insurance.
Surety Bond
You’ll also need to purchase a $10,000 surety bond. Here at InspectorPro, the two bonds we most frequently write for home inspectors include license and permit bonds and business service bonds.
Note that being bonded and insured are NOT the same thing. With a bond, you’re expected to cover losses yourself up to the bond’s total value. Because bonds are designed to protect third parties, becoming insured on top of being bonded can lighten your financial and emotional burden while battling a claim. Explore the differences between bonds and insurance policies in our blog post.
Workers’ Compensation
Alaska’s Department of Labor and Workforce Development establishes workers’ compensation requirements for employers. Since Alaska is a monopolistic state, our workers’ compensation program is not available there.
Are you ready to become a home inspector in Alaska?
Check that you’ve obtained the following items. The Board will not consider your license application without:
- Completed application
- Fees paid
- Completed Authorization for Release of Records form
- Exam scores
- Surety bond
- Liability insurance
Staying an Alaska Home Inspector
Alaska’s home inspector license requirements apply for maintaining your license, too.
As an Alaskan, your license will expire every two years–more specifically, on 6/30 of every even year. If you’re renewing for the first time and you’ve been registered for more than one year, you must complete four hours of continuing education (CE) for each calendar year. After that, you’re required to complete 8 CE hours for every two-year licensing period.The CE requirement does not apply if you’ve been registered less than 1 year.
Finally, to stay in line with Alaska home inspector requirements, submit written reports and allow civil action against you and your business for one year after the inspection date.
Have questions?
Interested in learning more about Alaska’s home inspector insurance requirements? Do you have general inquiries about how to become a home inspector in Alaska? Call to get in touch with one of our experienced and licensed brokers.
Or, click the button below to submit a free application for E&O and GL home inspection insurance: