How to become a
home inspector in Arizona
Last Updated: August 28, 2023
If you’re here, then you’re probably wondering what it takes to get a home inspector license in Arizona. Welcome! You’re about to enter an exciting industry full of rewarding opportunities.
Continue reading to learn about licensing steps and Arizona’s home inspector insurance requirements.

Arizona Home Inspector License Requirements
Per Arizona’s home inspection laws, the first prerequisite to obtaining your license is to be 18 years of age or older. Regulated by the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration (AZBTR), your state’s inspection industry expects a specific degree of education and experience. To achieve this, complete 84 hours of classroom training or online education. Verify that the AZBTR has approved your course before you start it.
After finishing your training, take and pass the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE). The exam plays a crucial role in establishing your expertise and credibility within the industry. According to American Home Inspectors Training (AHIT), every attempt requires a fee. However, if you’re a veteran, you may be eligible for reimbursement through the GI Bill. You must get a passing score to meet Arizona’s home inspector requirements.
Next, find 30 certified home inspectors with real field experience. Ask to shadow them, and write your own reports for their inspections. Many sources refer to these as “parallel inspections.” Some programs will even help students find mentors to shadow. This may involve additional fees. Meanwhile, some organizations offer resources for connecting with mentors or searching for licensed inspectors in Arizona.
Arizona’s home inspection laws, under the state’s Revised Statutes, then require an active fingerprint clearance card. Visit the previous link to read about the fingerprint clearance card through Arizona’s Department of Public Safety.
Provide Evidence of Financial Assurance
You’ve trained, you’ve studied, and you’ve passed. Now it’s time to comply with Arizona’s home inspector insurance requirements.
While learning how to become a home inspector in Arizona, you need to provide proof of assurance against claims to yourself or your home inspection business. The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) lists a few options available to Arizona inspectors:
- One, proof of errors and omissions (E&O) insurance with a $200,000 aggregate, $100,000 per occurrence.
- Two, a surety bond valued at $25,000.
- Or three, an alternative approved by the AZBTR.
If you lose your financial assurance, you run the risk of having your home inspection certification suspended. In this event, you would have 90 days to obtain insurance and get your certification reinstated. Otherwise, the Board will revoke it.
E&O and GL
With over a decade of experience serving the home inspection industry, we here at InspectorPro firmly believe insurance coverage offers the most comprehensive and dependable protection. When you buy E&O insurance, you’re protected against accusations of missing something during your home inspections or leaving something out of your report. In other words, it protects you from clients who accuse you of not doing your job right.
Though not included among Arizona’s home inspector insurance requirements, we also highly encourage general liability (GL) coverage. GL protects you if your work causes damage to the inspection property or bodily injury to a realtor, client, seller, and etc. In this litigious industry, maintaining E&O and GL exceeds your minimum expectations. It also gets you the full spectrum of claims protection. Read our comparative article to learn more about E&O and GL, how they’re different, and why every inspector needs both.
Surety Bonds
As you explore your options for how to become a home inspector in Arizona, a $25,000-value surety bond might seem like the way to go. In our experience, however, many inspectors assume being bonded and insured are two terms for the same protection. On the contrary, insurance and bonds are very different.
First, you should know that bonds do not protect the home inspector who buys them. Rather, they’re designed to protect third parties. If you receive a claim with a bond, you’re expected to cover losses yourself up to the bond’s total value (in this case, up to $25,000!). That is to say, you assume all the risk and get none of the protective benefits.
With a policy, the insurance company (insurer) assumes liability for the home inspector and/or their business. The insurance company also agrees to defend the home inspector in the event of a claim. Therefore, when you have an insurance policy, like ours here at InspectorPro, your insurance steps in to protect you—not the third party—and pay for losses on your behalf. This means significantly less stress and financial burden while managing your new home inspection business. Explore the differences between bonds and insurance policies in our blog post.
Workers’ Compensation
If you decide to hire employees in the future, review Arizona’s workers’ compensation requirements. These are established by the Industrial Commission of Arizona. Read about the benefits of workers’ comp on our website.
Are you ready, new Arizona home inspector?
Do you have everything you need to comply with Arizona’s home inspector requirements? Before applying for your Arizona home inspector license, ensure that you have the following:
- Completed application
- Signed check of $175.00 for the application and registration fee
- NHIE test results (passing within two years of submitting your application)
- Certificate for 84 education hours
- Parallel inspection log (notarized affidavit signed by each parallel inspector)
- Verification of experience form completed by a certified home inspector.
- Arizona Statement of Citizenship and Alien Status for Public Benefits form
- Copy of government-issued photo ID
- Disclose any past disciplinary action, charges, or etc. ordered against you
- Signed and dated Notice to Home Inspectors
Note that the Board will randomly select one of your parallel inspections and ask for a copy of that inspection’s report. You will submit this electronically upon their request. Do not include an original report without the Board’s specification. Visit the home inspector application packet to read more.
Continuing Education Requirements for Arizona Home Inspectors
Continuing education (CE) is NOT required to renew your Arizona home inspector license. Your license will renew annually.
Have questions?
Interested in learning more about Arizona’s home inspector insurance requirements? Do you have general inquiries about how to become a home inspector in Arizona? Call to get in touch with one of our experienced and licensed brokers.
Or, click the button below to submit a free application for E&O and GL home inspection insurance: