Welcome FABI Members!
We support FABI's mission.
For over a decade, we’ve supported the Florida Association of Building Inspectors (FABI) and its mission to promote excellence in the Florida home inspection industry. As an affiliate, InspectorPro provides insurance education and support to FABI’s Board of Directors so that they are better equipped to understand and influence statewide regulations. Additionally, we arm FABI inspectors with risk management tips in our contributions to Florida’s Inspection Voice. Members of our team regularly attend FABI’s annual conferences and enjoy networking with the many inspectors that attend.
Content for Florida home inspectors.
We know how to best serve our Florida home inspectors. And we share that knowledge with FABI every quarter with our contributions to Florida’s Inspection Voice.
About FABI
In September of 1983, the Florida Association of Professional Home and Building Inspectors (FABI) was formed as a representative group for home and building inspectors in Florida. Three months later, this group was dissolved due to lack of commitment. Through the efforts of Hank Goldberg and Rhea Moss, a reorganized association was formed in March of 1984 called the Florida Association of Building Inspectors, Inc. Charter membership stood at 15 inspectors and has grown steadily since.